Monday, December 31, 2012

Thankful Today {29th - 31st December}

And to wrap up the Thankful Today series, here's to close 2012 . . .

29th December . . .

It truly was a year where I found myself looking ever more to God for perseverance and wisdom to be the best mother I could be to Julianne. It was also a year where we looked to him for encouragement as a family when the going got tough with Yeye fighting for his life in the ICU, subsequently losing the battle to infection.  It was a year of God's providence and grace, a year of his faithfulness that was unfailing and steadfast, a year of drawing on His strength through those tiring days caring for Jules, a year of humbling ourselves and acknowledging that His ways were greater than ours.  Being thankful for all that God has done and looking forward to what He has in store for us in 2013! 

30 December . . .

Days ahead
I end each year not knowing what God has in store for me in the year ahead.  But I also end each year recounting all those clear blue sky days and cloudy days and giving thanks that through the good and not so good days of the year, God's grace and love keeps me standing firm on His solid ground and growing in my faith as I learn through the bad times to trust in Him, and through the good times to be thankful.  And that's just how my days ahead will be - both clear blue skies and cloudy skies but I hope I'll be like that tree, standing unwavering in my faith.

31st December . . .

Love - that's my resolution for 2013.  To continue to expand my capacity to love.  To love my husband, my daughter and my family more than I ever have this year.  To continue loving the job that I've been in for the past 8 years, to teach my daughter love and above all, to love God with all my heart, my mind and my soul.  It's not the easiest resolution to keep because I know there'll be those days when the husband may irritate, when Julianne may be difficult, when family may upset me, when the boss just makes me hate my job and when things don't go my way and I wonder where God is.  And all I want to do is just snap at everyone.  It's then that I need to remind myself to love and I want to do more of that in 2013.  Be a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter, sister and friend.  A better child of God.  Be better at loving.  

Thankful to God for my 2012 and looking forward to walking each day of 2013 with Him.  

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