Julianne was on a milk, nursing and bottle strike the past week - it has been most distressing. I've nursed in every imaginable position including walking while nursing carrying her in mid-air. We have been to Dr Hiew 3 times in the past week. What started as a cold turned into wind in her tummy then turned into not drinking all afternoon yesterday which made me panic hence the night visit to Dr Hiew. She was pooping way less than her usual poopy princess title calls for and was barely having a full diaper. I was so worried she was dehydrating. She also had blood in her poop the day before so I was feeling very unsettled with all that was happening to my poor baby, we were contemplating sending her to the hospital last evening.
Thankfully all seems better now. She nursed well last night and this morning. Her poop has returned to normal but requires monitoring. Dr Hiew said the blood was possibly from a small tear in her anus which he discovered. If it doesn't reoccur, we shouldn't be too concern. Her wheezing seems to have gone away which means she ain't as stuffed up anymore and should be more comfortable nursing.
We're truly praying it'll be uphill from here. I've had a mentally, emotionally and physically draining week. Yesterday was most distressing for the both of us ever since she was born. She went on crying for almost an hour the longest ever to date. She has honestly not cried for more than 5-10 minutes continuously. And me the Mama, pretty much spent my afternoon in tears trying to make her drink.
I truly hope the worst is over. Motherhood can be tough at times but last night, after starving herself silly all day, she nursed beautifully and even gave me a contented smile after she was done. That made the pain of the day all go away.