Jules went on her very first school excursion last week and judging from the fact that she has gone around telling everyone (including Dr V whom she visited for her jab yesterday) who would hear her out "pig! pig!" followed by a pretty convincing "blowing" action, I think she had a blast of a time!
As Jules is under 2 years, the school required that a parent accompanies the child. So I tagged along and got a chance to see how the little pumpkin interacted with her friends and teachers in school.
The school brought the kids to the Singapore Repertory Theatre's play of The Three Little Pigs in Mandrine - 三只小猪. It was SRT's The Little Company's very first Mandrine production and I have to say they did a fabulous job!
This is the first SRT production for children that I have seen and I have to say I am impressed. The casts were able to engage their little audiences with their ocassional funny dialogue, the props and costumes were colorful and well designed and the music was catchy enough for the young ones to wanna clap along! The entire dialogue is in Mandrine - not that Jules understood anything (I mean even if it was in English, she wasn't going to understand much of it) but she definitely knew what the story was about which to her just means 2 things - pig and blow. Thanks to this Barney video, she has a rough sense of what the 3 Little Pigs story is about. So when the school asked if I wanted to bring her to watch the play, I thought it would be great for her to see the story unfold before her very eyes.
We prepped her the night before, and told her that tomorrow was going to be a special day and that she was going on an outing with all her friends and teachers to watch the 3 Little Pigs. We also told her that she would get to wear her special jersey uniform, with her very own name on it. She must have been dreaming of it all night cos she woke up exceptionally early the next morning and the first thing she said after her usual morning roll-call of everyone at home was "pig"!
It's so adorable just seeing all the little kids line up (choo choo train style) to get ready to board the bus. They got everyone buckled in and as the bus went off, the teachers led them in the "Wheels on the Bus" song. All the excited faces - too cute!! And our daughter, all she lasted in the seat buckled down was 15 minutes before the novelty of sitting on a bus died and up she was wanting to climb around the seats. I can totally understand why they insist parents of children below 2 had to come along.
All in all, a lovely morning spent with Jules. She had fun and I relived a little bit of childhood through her that morning.
The next school adventure, her Papa will go with her. I think they'll have a blast too!!
Tomorrow, 28 Jul is the last day for 三只小猪. Unfortunately, I think only single seat tickets are left. SRT's The Little Company's next production is the The Tale of the Frog Prince. Check it out with your little ones if you can! I think we will be doing just that!