Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Letters to Julianne #28

Dearest Julianne, 

This will probably be Mama's last letter to you for your 2nd year.  

Time has passed incredibly fast this year, it feels just like yesterday when we blew out that candle on your first cake.  Well, one thing's for sure, you'll be able to blow out the two little candles on your cake next month all by yourself - you've been practising hard for it! 

Your vocabulary and comprehension continues to be your biggest development this month.  You now speak in sentences - granted they are not in perfect grammar - but I think it's still mighty cool!  "Mama, Juju want to play dough", "Mama, Juju clothes dirty, Aunty Joy bru bru bru (sound of the washing machine accompanied by rolling of her fist to show the clothes tumbling in the washing machine), Por Por sun sun".  Being able to communicate in this manner also means you're fully capable of telling tales.  Just over the weekend, Mama had to work in the morning so Dada got to bond with you.  When I got home and asked what you had, you told on Dada and said "Juju eat mango", when I probed further to ask who gave you that mango, you said "Dada".  (We're talking preserved dried mango here - which she loves but which I only give as a treat)

You also use words to your advantage.  We've been teaching you to share.  So every time you play with Sophie we tell you that you have to also share your toys.  These days, when we are eating something or doing something which we don't want you to eat or touch, you'll tell us "Mama/Dada share, share Juju".  You just found a more politically correct way of saying "give me"! Smart - but sorry, doesn't work! 

We spent alot of our last month working on art pieces and playing dough.  We finally got down to creating a little craft corner for you.  We picked up a simple white table from ikea, big enough to accommodate you and Sophie.  I like it that the table is adjustable and can grow with you.  And to make sure you don't end up wanting to sit on the chair Sophie sits on, I made it a point to buy both of you identical chairs - so no fighting.  The plan has worked well, you enjoy painting out in the patio and it's such a joy to see you and Sophie  actually sitting down working on your pieces and sharing the craft materials.  

Art & Craft Time!

On the kiddy ride with Che Che

Other than a wedding, the mid-autumn celebrations at home and in school and lots of love and cuddles you get from everyone everyday, September was relatively quiet.  Which is good rest for all of us before the busy year-end comes along.  Already we have birthday celebrations, a staycation and a holiday lined up.  Exciting!!   

Having a swinging good time with Yiyi Jill!

I love it that you are so chatty these days always wanting to tell me stories of your day, or how you just love hanging out with Mama and Papa, asking us to bring you for walks, to dance, to "play toy toy", to "do painting", to "play dough".  I fear the day when you're all grown up and would rather stay in your own room behind close doors then talk to Mama or would rather hang out with your own girlfriends than spend the afternoon with Mama over tea or an evening walk.  I treasure my everyday with you more than anything else in the world and go to bed each night, thankful for all the joy you bring. 

Monster cheese face

Enjoy your last month being ONE Jujubee!! Love you deep deep! 


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